Public Computers

The library allows patrons to use designated computers for general internet access, research, game-playing, and office applications.

Patrons under the age of 18 may be restricted from using the internet computers by their parent/guardian by initialing the back of the child’s registration card.

Computers for general internet access may be used for 30 minutes. If no one is waiting, a person may continue using the workstation until requested by another. Game-playing and office application computers may be used for 30 minutes. If no one is waiting, a person may continue using the workstation until requested by another.

The computer in the Heritage Room is meant primarily for genealogy research and is scheduled for 90 minutes. However, it may also be used, upon request or by reserving time, for testing or for other research in 90-minute increments. Library staff may limit walk-in internet users to 30 minutes on this computer if it is not in use for research or testing.



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