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Learn how to make tamales with Miss Patti

Have you ever wondered how to make tamales? Sample Taste of the Town and find out for yourself.

Taste of the Town is a new adult cooking program hosted by the Upper Sandusky Community Library. This month, program leader Patti Davidson will teach you how to make tamales, a traditional Mesoamerican dish made of masa, steamed in a corn or banana leaf, and filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, or chilies.

Take a hike for StoryWalk® Week

Help celebrate the fun of reading and walking during StoryWalk® Week!

StoryWalk® Week will take place November 15-19. Come to the Upper Sandusky Community Library to pick up a Coded StoryWalk® worksheet and read this month’s book, The Best Thanksgiving Ever! As you walk from business to business, each page will be marked with a letter that should be written on the worksheet. When you finish the story, you will have spelled out a special message. Make sure to return to the library to receive a special prize and a to-go craft.

Learn how to make Ethel's Sugar Cookies with Miss Patti

Want to learn how to make a great cookie for Christmas? Sample Taste of the Town and find out for yourself.

Taste of the Town is a new adult cooking program hosted by the Upper Sandusky Community Library. This month, program leader Patti Davidson will teach you how to make Ethel’s sugar cookies – then you’ll get a chance to ice your own.

While you’re at it, compete in the Cookie Contest. Bring a dozen of your best cookies to be judged. You may submit up to two types of cookies. There will be Best Cookie prizes for first, second, and third place.

Books we loved in 2021

It’s that time of year again! Well, yes, Santa is coming and we’re turning the page on another rough year. But we’re talking about books! And not just any run-of-the-mill books - our favorite books we read in 2021! 

Here you will find the favorite books that the staff at Upper Sandusky Community Library read in 2021, including why we loved those books and links for you to check them out yourself. After you’ve taken a gander at our favorites, let us know on Facebook and Instagram e best books you read in 2021!